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Principles of Shivaji Maharaj

 In this blog post, we will focus on the principles that made Shivaji Maharaj an inevitable, gracious, valorous emperor of Maratha. Shivaji is famous for his prowess in warfare techniques and Arthashastra. There are many articles in the pool that tell us about his biography, leadership qualities. But not the principles he followed. Which made me write about such a prominent ruler. As we know, Shivaji's father, Shahaji Bhosle, used to spend most of his time in the tristate as a general. So, Shivaji spent his childhood with his mom and Dadoji Konddeo. They taught Shivaji moral values and martial arts. With no further delay with the history you previously acknowledged. Let's drift through the principles.

  1. Mentality

Mighty Maratha Shivaji the great was just a teenager when he started swaraj yatra. Shivaji was always an outdoorsman. During his excursion through the countryside, he saw many skilled men who worked for the sultanate. Shivaji advanced towards them. With curiosity, Shivaji asked," Why are you working for the sultanate? though you are dexterous in the field of Arthashastra and war techniques". Those men were answerless. Furious Shivaji said it is all because of your mentality. If you occupy the mentality of a drudge, you die as a slave. If you maintain the mentality of a predator, you will hunt down your struggles.

2.Initial step

I know the first step is always the hardest. In the beginning phase of Shivaji's saga, he neither has any of these mentioned(army, money, alliances). Without making it a fuss, he concentrated on the resources he possessed. Shivaji Maharaj started with a small step, by capturing small forts one by one. From 4 citadels, 2 thousand soldiers to 400 fortresses, 1million+ soldiers.

Like Shivaji, many people dreamt of achieving great things. Few people might have derailed because of fear. Forget the fear, take a deep breath, listen to your voice. Keep the first step and let it show the way further like Shivaji did. We would never get to know how far the path would go.

3.War is not always the solution.

Shivaji Maharaj's resources are fading away. Meanwhile, Adi Shah feared the immense growth of Shivaji. He arrested Shivaji's father. It was a tough time in the phase of achieving power. Shivaji didn't choose a sword as a solution, he broke the alliance of Adi Shah and Shah Jahan. Shivaji directly approached Shah Jahan and convinced that Adi Shah is spreading a bad influence about Shah Jahan. Shivaji gave an oath to Shah Jahan "he will lend his hand whenever Shah Jahan is in need." In return, he demanded the release of his father.

Like Shivaji, we can also solve problems through negotiations and simple diplomacy. At most, we can avoid altercations. Only winning matters, the way doesn't.


Adi Shah has appointed a general Afzal Khan, to eliminate Shivaji Maharaj. As his command, Afzal Khan took a vast army and destroyed Pratapgarh. Shivaji was infuriated. Then Afzal Khan played a plan of negotiating alone in the woods. Shivaji was in a dilemma. He accepted the meeting. Shivaji thought that I couldn't trust Afzal Khan. Shivaji prepared himself with the help of his general Jaiji. Before the meeting, Shivaji dressed with shield armor and wore a steel tiger claws in hand. When they met, Afzal Khan hugged Shivaji but tried to stab Shivaji him in the back. But Shivaji's armor protected him. Now with the help of claws, Shivaji pulled out the intestines of Afzal Khan. Only with preparation Shivaji able to defeat Afzal Khan.

So always be prepared

These are the principles which transformed a teenager to a great emperor. And mostly important one which I haven't included is " Respect women". Shivaji's mother taught him this great lesson.


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