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4 teachings from pandemic!

 Time is a huge mess now during this global pandemic. Apart from all the negativity we attracted during this hardship. There are a few great lessons I learned from this pandemic situation.

1.managing chaos

During lockdown, we know that many have lost their jobs. The global economy fell to its bottom mark. Some of our family members got struck in other countries. Also, we lost our loved ones. During this hardship, decision making is at stake.

How managing chaos helps us?

  • It helps us in staying engaged that is holding updated.
  • It gives a new perspective on life.
  • It makes us more flexible and adaptable. So we can be dynamic.
  • We can make an appropriate decision in no time.

How to manage chaos?

  1. Explain to people what you are going through. Without knowing your situation, they maybe they get confused. They may shout at you. Also, there can be an altercation between you and your friend.
  2. Explain your plan. Your family expects you to come with a master plan so you can fight back.
  3. Small wins. Divide and conquer. Divide a big task into smaller ones and accomplish them.


There will be many unnecessary thoughts that keep us from accomplishing our goals. Because of all uncertainties, we may forget our actual purpose in life and travel cluelessly. But I know these problems will molds you into a great statue.

How mission-driven attitude helps us?

  • It gives confidence. Self-doubts will fade away.
  • As you are mission-driven, you know your destination. Choosing an optimistic way is mere.
  • When your goal is ambitious, people to take part in your success journey like Ragnar Lothbrok in Vikings(Netflix).

  • As your destination is known, your life becomes mere.

How to become a mission-driven person?

  1. Take a break from this mess. Breathe fresh air.
  2. Solo trip.
  3. Read newspaper daily. Newspapers help us in understanding where the world currently is. 
  4. Morning run. When you rise early, you can hear birds singing while running in the park. You will have the upper hand over your life as you are a step ahead of others.

3.Always be ready

There are two perspectives on how we see things. The glass is half empty or half full. we never thought that the whole world would fight against invisible virus.For example, if today we are not at war, that doesn't mean that tomorrow there won't be any.

4.Build a tribe

As we are a social animal. We have our own lion prides. Whenever we visit a social gathering. We always look for our friends because we feel comfortable.
But now during corona crisis we hardly meet our friends. My last text with my friend is dated on 8th october. See this pandemic has broken our bonds with our friends. 

How being in a tribe helps us?

  • When we are with similar minded people it helps us in achieving our goals.
  • We get support. Mainly emotional support that we are in weeping need.
  • It helps us battling loneliness.

How can we build a tribe?

  1. Be generous. We give, then life gives us back. Shower your love, don't wait for other to do so.
  2.  Be clear. Have a clarity in your plan and stick to it. So you don't doubt yourself and your tribe never have to.
  3. Help others.


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