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ways to gain American citizenship

 Question could arise, why America?

We know once ww2, America has exponentially grown in terms of development and power. Being a national of such a powerful country has several perks. For instance, if you hold a Yankee passport, you can travel up to 184 countries with a free visa.

Here square measure the four ways  

in which

Through naturalization

A green card plays a significant role in gaining a naturalized citizen. Having a green card implies you are a legal permanent resident(LPR) of America.

Physical requirements

  1. Applicants ought to be a minimum of eighteen years recent the day you fill your application for naturalization. 

  2. Applicants ought to have a sound knowledge of English(reading, speaking, listening, writing)

  3. Applicants should know the basics of the U.S. government and U.S. history. (questioned during citizenship test and interview)

  4. Most considerably, the Applier must be someone of ethical code of conduct.

Residential requirements

  1. Applicants should have a permanent home in the United States. Applicants should live there at least for five years before filing the naturalization application.

  2. You will need to prove you have been physically present in the United States for two and a half years of these five years.

  3. You must conjointly have to prove you’ve lived in the same state or USCIS district for a minimum of thirty months.

Through military

After your tenure within the armed forces successfully, You are eligible as an applicant to apply for naturalization. The United States has been in a phase of animosity since September 11, 2001.

  • A person serving during a phase of animosity may apply for naturalization right away.

  • Must complete their military service promptly.

  • Residency requirements may not apply.

Personal requirement

  1. Applicants should be someone of ethical code of conduct. 

  2. Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

  3. Applicants should have a sound knowledge of English(reading, speaking, listening, writing)

  4. Applicants should know the basics of the U.S. government and U.S. history. (questioned during citizenship test and interview)

Through marriage

If you are married to an American citizen, you can apply for a green card. Before that, you need to submit your marriage documentation while filing for a green card.

Also, you should undergo a marriage interview. Where the interviewer asks about a few basic questions?

Residential requirements

  1. Applicants ought to have a green card for a minimum of three years before filing for naturalization.

  2. During those three years, you must be a permanent resident of the United States.

  3. Your spouse should be a resident and you both should live there for at least three years.

Personal requirements remain the same as previous processes.

Citizenship through parents

  1. American citizen by birth

  2. one of the parents is an American citizen

  3. Citizenship through adoption.

After fulfilling the requirements in the above categories, applicants should undergo an abrupt process.(except citizenship through the military)

  1. Applying for naturalization.

  2. Citizenship test(American history, civics, English).

  3. Citizenship interview.

Swear the Oath of Allegiance

Anyone wishing to become a U.S. national should show their attachment to the U.S. Constitution by swearing the oath of allegiance. Once that’s completed, you will receive a naturalization certificate. That document is vital as a result of it proves your status as a U.S. citizen.


  1. Good information about this . I like this , please add more info . 5 out of 5 stars for each point


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