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Never dare to open these 7 doors!!!

Sheri Hooley on Unsplash

Doors are meant to be opened. Well! not these doors. They are thought to contain anything from treasures to mummified remains and ancient curses. Some of the most visited places in the world have secret rooms and chambers sealed off by mysterious doorways. People won't talk about what is inside them. And once sealed they have remained closed but what exactly they are protecting us from.

In Kerala, India, there is a grand structure known as Padmanabhaswamy temple. It was created in the 6th century and built upon until the 16 century by the kings of the Travancore royal family. The most valuable part of this ornate building is its 6 sealed underground vaults. But one of them remains unknown to this day. The vault sits behind ornately designed solid doors. Five of these doors were able to be pried open and inside they found 22 billion dollars worth of treasure including jewellery and solid gold idols. Vault B also called Bharata Conchal era is the only vault that researchers are still unable to open. It has solid door that lacks locks, 2 cobras decorate the door suggesting and that what lies beyond is sacred one. Legend says that a spell is required to open the door and that anyone who tries to open it forcefully will be cursed. Others say they hear crashing waves through the doors and that it contains a secret tunnel to the sea or that opening it would unleash a terrible flood and the serpent's warned snakes inside protecting what lies beyond. Researchers are no closer to opening this mysterious door but experts believe that it could hold treasure that the world has never seen before. 

Banff Spring Hotel in Alberta, Canada seems like a relaxing place to take a vacation. But even when they're operating at full capacity, there is one room but they refuse to let any guest stay in. On the eight floor room 873 is mysteriously missing, where the door should be, there is a concealed behind the plaster. According to legends, a married couple and their daughter checked into the room and never checked out. In the middle of the night the husband went crazy and attacked his wife and daughter before taking his own life. The hotel renovated the room and started checking in guests again but then they started getting complaints that guests were waking up to terrifying screams and bloody handprints on the walls. The room was officially sealed and never to be opened again. But some guests still say that they could hear screams coming from room 873

In the middle of Olkiluoto, Finland, there is a doorway like no other in the entire world. And unlike some of the other doors on this list that were sealed long ago. Workers are currently filling the room on this doors with something dangerous. Once the room is full the door will be sealed with a warning " NEVER TO BE OPENED AGAIN". This door leads to the world's first and only permanent repository for nuclear waste, it is called Onkalo or cavity in Finnish. Radioactive spent fuel is stored here and it will continue being filled up for the next 100 years. Once it is full, it will contain about 6500 tons of uranium. Once the door sealed, opening it would mean unleashing dangerous radioactivity on the entire world.

There are many infectious diseases that are luckily a part of our past. But there are labs out there that hide these diseases from the public in case they ever need to be studied again. But what if the labs are the reason the diseases find the way back into the world. Soon after smallpox was eradicated the world health organization ordered that the last remaining life samples of the virus be stored away in laboratories at the centre for disease control and prevention in Atlanta and the Russian states centre for research on virology and biotechnology. These labs are not to be touched unless the samples are needed in an emergency. But keeping these viruses is so dangerous that the government has considered destroying the lab altogether. Smallpox causes fever convulsions and painful blisters and has a very low survival rate. It would be a disaster if it found its ways back into the public that's why the doors to these smallpox vaults are sealed and protected.

The people of ancient Egypt knew secret that the rest of the world did not. These secrets are thought to be kept in the Hall Of Records except that no one can find this legendary Hall. Perhaps the most secretive door is the one that cannot be found. Experts know that there are caverns located beneath the Great Sphinx of Giza but the government hasn't allowed anybody to search for the entrance to these hidden rooms.  Some believe that the government knows that the hidden library could contain information that would completely change the world as we know it. Others believe that the caverns are actually home to an ancient race of intelligent beings that could have helped the Egyptians create the pyramids. Legend has it that the Hall of Records contains documents, scrolls and other materials with information regarding the world's most sought after secrets like the location of Atlantis. But we would never know what exactly remains inside unless the government allows.

Electromagnetic equipment has revealed the existence of a hidden chamber concealed behind the walls of Machu Picchu. But no matter how many have appealed to the Peruvian government, they refused to open the door and see what lies inside. The discovery of the chamber’s hidden door occurred when an archeologist noticed the presence of a strange entrance at the foot of one of the main buildings. On a small path that a tourist and explorers rarely ever took. Experts believe that the secret space could house the tomb of Pachacuti Incayupanqui. The Inca ruler for whom Machu Picchu was likely built. The tomb would probably contain all of his riches and priceless artifacts from the time of his burial. Since the doors discovery, access to the entrance has been prohibited with a construction work sign. Anyone who attempts to trespass will be treated to a hefty fine.

In 1974, five brothers made an incredible discovery. They found the massive underground mausoleum of the first Qin emperor Qing Shi Huang. The mausoleum was protected by over 7000 terracotta statues of warriors but discovering the ancient tomb wasn’t a blessing for these brothers. Immediately after excavating the site the five brothers began to experience some serious bad luck. They all eventually lost their lives early to whatever strange curse the discovery was believed to have set upon them. To this day the actual tomb containing the remains of Qing Shi Huang has yet to be opened. The best guess as to what could lie beyond the doors comes from a written record by Han Dynasty historian Sima Qian. He wrote that the tomb contained palaces and scenic towers for a hundred officials as well as rare artifacts and treasures. But what is most strange about the tomb is the historians claim that the Yangtze and yellow rivers are simulated in the tomb using mercury which would mean that opening the tomb could be incredibly lethal.

Hope you liked this blog. mention which door is your favourite in the comment section!!!


  1. Wow, excellent work bro. I would really like to know what's behind those doors(ALL 7). Hoping one day the government would open them up with the help of advanced technology & safety precautions.


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