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Bucky as white wolf

Whether Falcon and Winter Soldier teasing Sergeant Barne's return to a life of villainy. The second episode of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier gave us a tease of Bucky's recovery time in Wakanda, where he became "White Wolf''.

Little time in Wakanda and you come out as white panther                                                                              - Falcon (aka) Cap.

 Interestingly enough the white wolf character in the comics is one of black panther's biggest villains. So, why would MCU choose to give Bucky that name. This blogpost will breakdown everything about white wolf from the comics and how the MCU can adapt that with Bucky's current role. 

The first episode of  Falcon and Winter Soldier really gave a grip on how hard Bucky's life has been so far. As he has been in a non-stop fight for over eighty years. And that sort of thing can weigh on a person. There is still so much about his winter soldiers' past that we don't know. We have a basic glimpse, he was put on ice and just unfrozen whenever there was someone to fight or kill and then he was put back in the freezer. It took an immense struggle for Steve or Bucky to begin to snap out of it. Of course, Steve wasn't the only factor. But sometimes you just need cold hard science to break brain manipulations. Also Steve thought Bucky should be kept safe somewhere else because he was the world's biggest assassin for like 80 years. That's what led Bucky to Wakanda where there are advanced technological marvels. Wakanda was the best chance to break the immense control Bucky was under, as well as having a leader who understood that Bucky needed help( King T'Challa). Also, Bucky is ready to freeze again until Wakanda can figure out a solution. How long does it take Shuri to find an answer?  As we know Shuri could possibly find a solution, in the post-credits scene for Black Panther we see Bucky recuperating in a Wakandian hut.

Fans who know white wolf's comic origins probably got excited about this. The fact that in the second episode of Falcon and Winter soldier, they bring up the white wolf satire again. It could mean a lot of fascinating things for Bucky's future in the MCU.

Who is the white wolf?

Bucky was ever the white wolf in the comics? No, he wasn't, which makes the MCU give Bucky the moniker. Especially white wolf in the comics. But I think it will all make sense once you hear white wolf's comic story and why it matters for Bucky. Long ago, there was a plane crash near the Wakandan border, where the only survivor was a Caucasian child. Wakanda's whole thing for a while was all about isolation and secrecy. Though King T'Chaka, T'challa's father took pity on the orphan child and took him in. His name was Hunter and T'Chaka raised him as a son for a bit. Everything was going great until T'Challa was born. T'Challa's birth caused immediate jealousy from Hunter. Since, it meant he was no longer in line for the throne. This had an interesting effect on Hunter. Although he was furious, he decided to train his body and mind in order to prove he could be the perfect Wakandian leader. Eventually becoming a fierce warrior and the head of Wakanda's secret police force. But when T'Challa became king the animosity only continued to grow when the black panther disbanded the secret police too violent. This led Hunter and his group to exile Wakanda and become mercenaries. Over years the two assorted brothers would cross paths and fight. Hunter's ways were extreme and he disagreed with T'Challa's way of ruling. But Hunter was always loyal to Wakanda and would protect it from outside threats when the situation demanded. But now we got to know that Hunter's back story has nothing to do with present Bucky's line of action but something common with Killmonger that they couldn't reintroduce.

Bucky as white wolf

It's not likely that MCU were gonna turn Bucky into a villain again. Remember Sebastian Stan signed that standard nine picture contract, so he still has a lot of movies left as Bucky Barnes. It seems that MCU is setting up a solid supporting role in black panther 2. Think about it, as I said about Wakanda's secret police and white wolf remaining super loyal to Wakanda. Right now Bucky is looking for a life. He is trying to make amends for his past decisions and escape the winter soldier shadow. Since he is not becoming captain america the door is open for him to take on a new mantle and that's where white wolf can come in. Maybe after the events of the falcon and the winter soldier TV show, not only will Sam upgrade to captain america but Bucky will realize that he wants to help Wakanda rather the United States. And building his new identity in Wakanda himself. That means he could still show up in Black panther 2 and be a vital role in keeping the peace after T'Challa's death.

Bro MCU can be strange, giving Bucky many names.


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