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How I fell in love with Nike+ run club

 Run 5k everyday...

<span>Photo by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Kristian Egelund</a> on <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a></span>

Previous week I turned 20. Yeah, I know what you are thinking. Aging frightens me the same as those in the early '20s. After my birthday eve, I started panicking about getting old and I got my nerves. Somehow I managed to sleep that day. The next morning when I rose from the bed, I heard those fearing sound from my knee joints. This further frightens me. So I started watching videos on longevity. Running is the only tip common in all the videos. Then I surfed google and got to know about NRC.

Do shoes have mileage?

After adding my running shoes in NRC, it shows how many miles to go with these pairs. Only after NRC i got to know that shoes have mileage(LOL).

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Recent studies on a handful of running research finds suggests that people who run, even just once a week or month, have 27 percent lower risk of premature death.

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Here starts the beautiful story

Every day, NRC wakes me up by tintinnabulation. It never tolerates if i skip my daily streaks. So I get ready and my shoes on sharp 6 AM. Also, it catches me if I cheat.

In front of others

I know NRC never let me down in front of my friends. It always tries to keep me in shape even though i ignore its notification. Even after uninstallation, it mails me. Seems NRC also loves me. Those girls who ignored me previously now started texting back, credits to NRC. Whenever I post my daily streaks, people would ask, how am I doing this? It makes me feel energetic and my brain secretes more dopamine that helps me run further.

Connects me with other runners

NRC helped me in building a running tribe that inspires me to stay motivated. Nike taught me that running truly is about the journey, not the destination. Having a team that travels the same journey as you is a great way to keep yourself accountable on the " less exciting " running days. NRC creates inspiration. As I used to see challenge boards that motivates me to stay on top, But Nike never leaves it there. It mocks you wherever you don't run. 

I have never thought that this running tribe would turn into a family but Nike+ Run Club made it possible. After running, we used to visit a coffee corner and have a fabulous time there. 

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if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you
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Small gifts!

I run daily because of those small achievement sticker that Nike gives me. I love that. As babies expects toffees whenever their mother returns home after work, like the same I would also expects those stickers from NRC.

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I wanted to confess which I may not verbally say but, I can at least express it through my words. I love you NIKE+ RUN CLUB. You have changed my life completely and gave a new meaning to my life. I can't imagine a day without you NRC. I love you so much!

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the end

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